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Salampasu "Mufuampo" mask, D. R. Congo
Baule head pendant, Ivory Coast
Nula Nula throwing/fighting club, Australia.
Ekoi headdress mask, Cross River, Nigeria
Dan heddle pulley, Liberia/Ivory Coast.
Tabwa hairbrush, D. R. Congo
Senufo Tugubele female figure, Ivory Coast
Maou janus heddle pulley. Ivory Coast
Turkoman Gilded silver Amulet Necklace, Central Asia.
A 18th c/ 19th c hindu wooden relief panel, south India.
Embu stone ball club, Kenya
Mask, "Kam" Grassland, Kamerun.
Lacquered hide dhal, north India, 18-19th Century
Zulu ceremonial knobkerrie, South Africa
"Aitos" ancestor post, Timor, Indonesia
Akua´ba fertility doll, Ghana
Igbo head crest janus mask, Nigeria
Ekoi Ibibio-Efik/Efut headdress, Nigeria
Dogon figure with sweating patina, Mali
Akan Abron/Bono figure. Ghana/ Ivory Coast
Dogon Kneeling/seated figure, Mali
Senufo figure, Ivory Coast
Large Senufo sculpture, Ivory Coast
"Daru" ladle, Nepal
Papua new Guinea bone dagger
African axe handle
Engraved bone dagger, Papua New Guinea
Ibibio "Idiok Ekbo" mask, Nigeria
Bottle/Wessel Chancay culture, 1000-1470 AD. Peru.
Glé head, power object, Ivory Coast
Dogon sculpture, Mali
I Ula Tavatava throwing club, Fiji
Dogon figure, Mali
I Ula Drisia throwing club, Fiji
Egyptian sarcophagus mask
Senufo Tugubele figure, Ivory Coast
Ibibio mask, Nigeria
Yaka figure. D. R. Congo
Carved Wooden Figure of a Raksasa Demon, Bali, Indonesia
Dan mask, Liberia
Dan mask, Liberia/Ivory Coast
Powerfull Dan Mask, Liberia/Ivory coast
A pair of Oyo Oke Iho Ibejis. Nigeria
Ibibio mask, Nigeria.
Teke " Butti " figure, D. R. Congo
Pende "Panya Ngombe" mask. D. R. Congo.
Punu figure, Gabon
Tagbana figure, Ivory Coast.
Vili colonial figure, D. R. Congo
Lobi "Bateba duntundara" Burkina Faso.
Old Bilezik, Turkmen braelet,armlet
Akan heddle pulley, Ghana/Ivory Coast
Idoma Head, Nigeria
Ashanti heddle pulley, Ghana
Dondo spoon, D. R. Congo
Ngbandi/Yakoma short sword, D. R. Congo
Ngbandi/Yakoma "Ifangbwa" short sword, D. R. Congo
Genya/Tetela knife, D. R. Congo
Ngombwe "Ifangbwa" short sword, D. R. Congo
Korwar paddle, 19th C. Cenderawasih Bay, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
Lwena figure, Angola
Anklet Currency Konga Mongo/Ekonda/Nkutu peoples, DR Congo Copper
Hyena mask, Bamana"suruku" Mali.
Yoruba "Arugba Shango" altar figure, Nigeria.
Antique wood figure, possibly from an Inuit culture.
19th Century Khond axe, India (2)
Lobala "Bango" double sickle blade, D. R. Congo
Antique Khond battle axe "Pharetri", India. (1)
Bamana "Chiwara" Antelope Headdress, Mali
Large Turkmen Silver & Agate ornament
Suku Figure. D.R.Congo.
Shoowa Rafia textile, Shoowa tribe, Kuba, D. R. Congo
Kuba Shoowa cut-pile textile, D. R. Congo
Kuba Bushoong rafia textile, D. R. Congo
Zulu snuff gourd, South Africa
Sami reindeer horn pipe
Odo Shango altar by George Bamidele Areogun, Nigeria
Yoruba scepter/staff, Nigeria
Nupe stool, Nigeria
Ekoi Headdress mask, Cross river, Kamerun/Nigeria.
Venda pot, South Africa
Antique headrest, China
Baule Janus heddle pulley.
Antique Nepalese "Dhyangro" drum handle
Baule heddle pulley, Ivory Coast
Senufo staff "Tefalipitya", Ivory Coast
Swedish mangle board masterpiece, dated 1816.
Tutsi archers bracelet. Rwanda
Pende Kindombolo mask, D. R. Congo
Tami Islands ceremonial bowl. Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
Teke figure, D. R. Congo
Signed Ibeji figure, Egba Abeokuta, Adugbologe family, Nigeria
Luba Zela bowl bearer figure, D. R. Congo
Baule Kpan mask, Ivory Coast.
Banda "Ondo" throwing knife, Central African republic/D. R. Congo
Very rare Kwele axe, Gabon.
Ngul/Mbuun ekenga knife, D. R. Congo
Boa/Binja knife, D. R. Congo.
Saka sword, D. R. Congo
Konda/Kundu prestige knife, D. R. Congo
Tetela or/and Kuba sacrificial axe, D. R. Congo
Konda, Nkundu prestige sword, D. R. Congo
Cheyenne pipe bag, USA
Cheyenne beaded and quilled hide mirror bag, USA
Native American beaded drop, USA
South Sami knife , Sweden
Antique Tonga clay pot, Zimbabwe
Yanzi, asymmetric Epalang knife. D. R. Congo
Zande shield, D. R. Congo
Tonga stool, Zimbabwe.
Rare Poto shield with anthropomorphic pattern, D. R. Congo
Gola head crest mask, Liberia
Rotse wood bowl, Zambia.
Large Senufo jar
Antique 19th century janus architecture fragment, Bali.
Applique banner, Fon, Benin.
Mbuti Bark Painting, D. R. Congo
Old gilded Nepalese head ornament disk .
Ngbandi sickle knife
Kuba copper knife, D. R. Congo
Ngombe chief's prestige sword, D. R. Congo
Songye Axe, D. R. Congo
Yoruba "Iroke Ifa" divination tapper, Nigeria
Mangbetu "Nobarra" stool, D. R. Congo.
Mangbetu axe, D. R. Congo
Kuba pipe, D. R. Congo
Naga spear, India
Senufo Tugubele figure, Ivory Coast
Ogbomosho Ibeji, Yoruba, Nigeria
Guro female figure, Ivory Coast
Ibeji pair, Oyo Oshogbo or Ilorin, Nigeria
Senufo Tugubele figure
Konda knife with scabbard, D. R. Congo
Tsonga ritual axe, South Africa/Southern Mozambique
Indo Persian Dhal shield in brass.
Beautiful example of a Peurise Awe" (Buckler) Shield: Acehnese People, Northern Sumatra
Old blanket chest from Korea
Antique Gurage table, Ethiopia
Senufo bed, Ivory Coast
Lobi ceramic pot
Tsonga headrest, South Africa/Mozambique
Bodi/Banio Me´em headrest, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Kuba headrest, D. R. Congo
Swedish mangle board, 19th Century
Korwar block figure, Papua province, Indonesia
Wild pig teeth necklace, Papua New Guinea/ Indonesia
Bilum bag decorated with vertebrae, New Guinea
Dog tooth necklace, Papua New Guinea
A Highlands Kina Pectoral, Papua New Guinea
Bilum amulet bag, New Guinea
Mangle board, dated 1765, Sweden
Akua´ba fertility doll, Ghana
Magnificent Swedish horse harness (selbåge) from Hälsingland dated 1751
Ashanti female figure by Osei Bonsu, Ghana
Senufo female figure, Ivory Coast
Baule heddle pulley, Ivory Coast
Baule heddle pulley with long beard, Ivory Coast
Bassa sculpture, Liberia
Fante fertility doll, Ghana
Kulango Janus figure, Ivory Coast
Huon Gulf neckrest, 18-19th century.
Ere Ibeji figure, Oyo area, Yoruba, Nigeria
Songye axe, 19th century, D. R. Congo
Swedish folkart stool, late 19th to early 20th century
Igbo "Okoroshi Oma" mask, Nigeria
Kuba palm wine cup "Mbwoongntey", D. R. Congo
Moai Papa, female figure, Easter Island
Baule Divination tapper, Ivory Coast
Swazi knobkerrie with breasts, South Africa
Aboriginal fighting club, Australia
Tiwi islands ritual club, Australia
Tiwi islands ceremonial club, Australia
Tsonga ceremonial staff, South Africa/ Mozambique
Totokia club, Fiji
Akua´ba fertility doll, Ashanti people, Ghana
Baule male figure "Blolo Bian", Ivory Coast
Baule female figure, Ivory Coast
Ovimbundu staff, Angola
Chokwe prestige staff, Angola
Kerala serpent canoe "Iruttukkutti Vallam"
I Ula Tavatava throwing club, Fiji
Senufo "Sejen" figure, Ivory Coast
Axel Einar Hjorth, "Utö" easy chair, 1930´s, Nordiska Kompaniet.
Large Shona headrest, Zimbabwe
Surya red sandstone figure, India. 9-10th Century
Shoji Hamada square tenmoku plate, Mashiko Japan
Zulu knobkerrie with breasts, South Africa
Large slat bench/sideboard in oak
Swedish Modernist Stool In Pine. Attributed to Ernst Spolén
Senufo equestrian figure "Syonfolô", Ivory Coast/Mali.
Hans Kempe & Lars-Erik Ljunglöf, Stool "HI 8" For The HI-Group In 1960.
Coffee table in pine by Carl Malmsten "Svensk fur", mid 50´s
Large curved sofa, attributed to Otto Schulz 1930-1940´s.
Dondo/Bwende flywhisk, D. R. Congo
Vili/Yombe Nsiba (divination) whistle, 19th Century, D. R. Congo.