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Salampasu "Mufuampo" mask, D. R. Congo
Salampasu "Mufuampo" mask, D. R. Congo
This Salampasu mask is different from most others Mufuampo masks in the technique of making the hat and the weawing of the face. The hat is build up with fibre circles instead of the normal plaiting technique. The face is woven in parts that highlight the temples and forehead in a very nice way. Two other masks in the same technique made by the same artist/workshop can be found in the AHDRC archive: Object ao-0039102-001 Christhie´s London, June1994, lot 151. Object ao 0127288-001, De Swann, nov 2015, lot 3415, Mathias Lemaire Amsterdam 1971.
Provenance: Collection Elisabeth Borsiin Bonnier (1950-2024), Swedish ambassador in Israel, Estonia and Ireland and later Swedish diplomat in Switzerland. this mask was acquired during travels in the 1970/1980´s.
The 2 last photos show the other masks by the same hand.
Price on request