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Sigfrid Södergren, Oil painting
Sigfrid Södergren, Oil painting
Sigfrid Södergren, Born in Brazzaville Congo 1920 and dead in Sweden 2000. Artist and writer.
Born in a missionary family in French Congo, in school age send to Sweden to study in a Swedish missionary school. He wrote later in his life books about his missionary background. He studied painting at Otte Skölds Art school and travelled many times during his life back to Congo for visiting friends and painting. Common motives are market place scenes, villages and people. His paintings is often stylized and puristic painted.
This purist painting was inspired by his interest of African art and the Niombo figure to the right in the image was in his own collection of Congo art. After his death, sold the family this Niombo figure to the german artist Baselitz.
A variant of this painting was used as front cover on his book "Solspår",1966 (Sun traces).
67 X 47 cm, 26.4 X 18.5 i
2 300 €